Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Scion of Light Chpt. 7
Scion of Light Chpt. 6
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Scion of Light Chpt. 5
Friday, June 11, 2010
My Story (Part 4)
My Story (Part 3)
(PART 3 – From the world tree...)
After school, Liana and Anise were about to leave when the class president complained about the mess in their classroom.
"Look at all these mess, you guys! Who do you think is gonna clean these all up.!?" He said.
Then a female classmate named Jihl, the girl who always takes advantage of Liana, spoke with confidence, "Don't worry, president.. I have an idea..."
Jihl walked towards Liana, "Liana, you clean these all up... you can do that, now can't you..?" Liana looked troubled. But still she nods, and Anise got infuriated by this.
Jihl then sarcastically said, "Great! I knew we can count you...."
Anise couldn't keep composure anymore. "Hey! What's the big idea!? We all made these mess, why are you making Liana clean these all up alone!?" Aroused by anger, Anise grabbed Jihl's hand and held it tight.
Jihl then removed Anise's hand from her. "Don't touch me! This is clearly none of your business... I just asked her if she can clean it all up and she accepted.. You can help her if you want to, so goodbye and have a nice bonding time!"
Jihl and her friends left the room, Rhea and other students did too, and Anise and Liana are left alone in the room.
Anise turned around, she looked at her friend with slight irritation, "Why did you accept..? Why do you keep letting them do this to you..? I don't really know what you are thinking right now..? Why, Lili..? Are you enjoying this..? Are you enjoying the way people just push you around..?"
Anise noticed that Liana is pushing back tears, so Anise said with a sigh, "Let's get started... I don't wanna go home too late..." Anise went on and helped Liana.
While the two are still cleaning the room, Liana apologized to her friend, "Anise, I'm sorry for having you caught up in this mess..."
Anise looked at her, "No need to apologize.. This is what friends are for, after all..." Anise smiled cheerfully and continued wiping the the floor.
"Anise.... You can go now..."
Anise looked at Liana with confusion, "After all I've done for you, you're pushing me away!? How could you!?”
Liana suddenly entered her panic mode again, "N-NO! That's not what I meant! It's just that you said you didn't wanna go home so late, and it's almost 6 o'clock in the afternoon! So... You can go if you want to..."
Anise looked at her friend with doubt, "Are you sure?? I mean there are still mess here..."
Liana picked up the garbage bag, "But I can handle these, you already helped me with so much today... I think I can handle these few stuffs that are left... Thanks again for your help..." Liana bowed to her friend.
"O-kay.... Bye then.... make sure you hurry up home too... don't make your bro too worried... Bye!"
Anise waved her hand to her friend, Liana waved back to her. Anise went on her way home, and Liana continued cleaning the messy room.
Meanwhile, Rhea was waiting outside the school, but she made sure that no one would see her, she climbed a tree with thick leaves so that no one would notice her. Rhea saw Anise left.
Rhea is still wondering if Liana's powers are to awaken on that afternoon. "hmm...? still no sign of awakening...? jeez, how long do I have to keep doing this everyday...?” Rhea looks around her, “hmm... I might as well get down from this tree..."
Few minutes later, back in the classroom, Liana was almost finished cleaning when suddenly she felt excruciating pain in her head, she fell on her knees, and suddenly, everything in the room started floating.
Liana heard a voice, a voice of a little girl calling for her, "Liana......Liana..." Liana got scared by this, but still she asked weakly, "Who...who are you..?"
The same voice replies, "Who am I..? Don't you remember me, Liana..? Oh please don't be scared, I'm your friend...." Liana pants, then said with irritation, "...I....I don't understand....! What do you want from me!?"
Meanwhile, outside the school grounds Rhea was already walking away from the school when she suddenly felt huge waves of strong light energy... "She's awakening...!" Rhea ran back to the school, she reached the hall way but suddenly felt enemies approaching. "Argh..! Darn it! Not now!” Rhea left the school again but took a different route.
“Aww... Liana, you're being mean to me again.... It hurts... After all the troubles I've been through, I even left the world tree just to see you.... And you're being mean...”
The same voice replies to Liana. Liana, still in pain, wonders about what the girl is saying, “From the world tree..? Just to see me..? It doesn't make any sense... Why would you go through lots of trouble just to see someone as useless as me..?”
"Useless!? What are you talking about!? You are never useless! Hmm... but why, you ask..? Liana... I came here to inform you about something... The devourer is coming, not even once did a World ever defended themselves from him... He devoured every single world he stepped into, He takes all the worlds' power and energy and bestow it to themselves, together with his forces of darkness, he is invincible. And now he's coming for our world, but you can stop him, Liana..."
Then the girl appeared before Liana, "Only you can do it... Because you are the Light that shines brightest in the whole universe...And with your light, you can dominate the devourers darkness... You are everyone's hope... But your powers went to sleep again... And that's why I'm here... to fully awaken them for you...." A very bright light came from the girl, it was so bright that Liana had to close her eyes from it.
The pain in Liana's head stopped, but when she opened her eyes, she found herself in the middle of a flowery meadow and sees the girl standing before her. "Where am I..?"
Liana is in the middle of an illusion, the truth is that she's floating in the middle of the classroom, but she thought she was really on that surface.
"Liana..." The girl held Liana's hands. "This is the World tree... Welcome back..!"
Liana stood with amazement, "Wow... the world tree..? Everything is... so beautiful...!"
"Huh..? Liana... You were the one who made these... Don't you remember..? The world tree used to be just a plain yet still relaxing tree, but when you came, you made it look like a new world...! And we always played together back then... but... You suddenly stopped visiting. It has been surprising to see that you've grown up so much from the last time I saw you. You used to be just as young as me."
The little girl looked at Liana with teary eyes, "Why did you stop visiting, Liana..? Was it because of what I said before..? I was just upset, please forgive me..." a tear fell from the little girl’s eye.
Liana looked down, "I'm sorry.... but... I really have no idea what you're talking about. I never left my home before... so..."
The little girl sighed and wiped her face, "I guess you still can't remember...It’s either you didn’t want to remember, Lady Alristhea doesn’t want you to remember, or you’re currently really just too weak to recover from the trauma... I still can’t blame you for any of that... Your last memories here were not that good and that accident was very critical as well..."
Liana’s face went blank, then she started thinking, “Accident? What accident..? Could that be the reason why I.....?”
The little girl touched Liana's face. "I'm gonna awaken your powers now... please close your eyes..."
Liana followed the girl's instruction, then the girl suddenly spoke in different language. Liana felt power spreading throughout her body. As soon as the girl finished the chant, Liana passed out.
"Lili... Remember your dreams... When you were still young... you always visit us here... through your dreams... please remember... Your dreams are always the truth... believe it..." Liana still heard this even though she's already unconscious.
Liana later opened her eyes and found herself at the floor of the room and it's already night time. She felt weak and her head hurt again, and this time, she couldn't move at all... In few more struggles, she is able to move a little, but still she couldn't stand. She crawled to her way to her chair, as she hears her phone ringing. She reached the phone and answered it, it was her brother calling.
"Where are you, Lili..!? do you have any idea what time it is.?" This, Alex said with anger, he had been trying to call his sister for a long while, but he receives no answer. "Lili, Are you alright..? Say something..." Alex became much more worried when his sister is not responding to him. "Hey... Lili..?"
"H-help me... Alex... please... I-I can't move my body... I can barely make... any movements... My head hurts..." Liana's voice was faint but Alex still understood her.
"What!? Where are you? Are you still at school? Hang on, Lili, I'm coming..." Alex ran out of the house.
"Yes... I-I'm still at the classroom... Brother,.. I'm sorry for being..... such a trouble for you..." Liana still said it with a weak voice.
Alex immediately and mysteriously reached the school. "What are you apologizing for... I'm your brother, it's my responsibility to keep you safe and sound... I never consider the things I do for you as trouble, remember that, okay..?"
Liana passed out again, but Alex reached the room where she's in already. He picked his sister up, and carried her home.
My Story (Part 2)
(PART 2 – Another day, Another nightmare)
~~Two weeks later...~~
......On the Human Kingdom
The alarm clock rings, it's another new day to enjoy. But for Liana, a 17 year-old highschool student gifted with special abilities, it's another nightmare to endure. Almost everyone in her school bully her and take advantage of her, except for her best friend, Anise, whom she just met the other year ago. Liana can "involuntarily" hear the thoughts of the people around her and tends to be cautious in her actions so that people won't think ill of her, but as a result of these actions, other people tend to take advantage of her personality because they know that Liana will never say no to them.
Liana currently lives with her over protective brother, Alex. Her mother used to live with her and her brother but she went abroad to work there. Her father is an archaeologist, but he suddenly disappeared from a job when Liana was younger and there have been no news about him lately. Even though lots of people mistreats her all the time, Liana is happy that she has her brother and her best friend beside her all the time.
"Brother, good morning!" Liana greeted her brother and smiles weakly. "Is it really a good morning for you..? You do know that you can't confuse me with your fake smiles..." Her brother looked at his sister with doubt and worry, "Did my little princess had a weird nightmare again..? Didn't I tell you to call me whenever you have one of those..?"
Liana sat down at the dining chair, "Well, I didn't want to disturb you every night... plus, what's the point..? I have nightmares even when I'm awake, so..." Alex looked at her with suspicion, Liana didn't want to let her brother know that she's still being bullied, but in this moment, she slipped, so she tried covering it up but couldn't find the right words to say.
"Ahh! I mean... uhh.., that's really not what I meant..! Umm.. uhh..."
"Lili, don't tell me you still let those other people take advantage of you..?" Alex got a little irritated by the thought of people bullying her sister. "Why aren't you telling me about these stuff!? I should've already shut them up by now!"
"N-no, it's not that! well, yes, it is... but... Brother.... It's just that... I find it hard to stand my ground most of the time... and I'm scare of what they might think of, brother please understand..! If you go there and have arguments with them, they'll think..... something worse towards me! And I hear all those thoughts and... it would....hurt more.."
Alex clearly sees that Liana have troubles in socializing with others, and knows how much pain Liana is experiencing because of her strange abilities.
"Lili, don't be too scared or too worried with what those people think of you. You are always better than whatever they thought of you. And much more special than what you thought about yourself. Don't let your fears destroy you're future..! Now eat your breakfast or you'll be late!"
"Ahh... Okay!"
After Liana finished her food, she started talking to her brother about her nightmare. "Big brother..... The nightmare was scary..!"
Liana put her palms on her face. "A man with black cape and black scythe..! He looks like Jack the ripper!"
Liana put her hand on her head and kept on shaking. "ahh! I still remember it so clearly! uhuhu.. He's so scary!!"
Alex was alarmed by this and started acting tensed, "Huh!? What happened in your dream!? What did that guy do..?"
"Umm..." Liana put her palms on her face again "He started thrashing lots of buildings with his scythe and some kind of elemental power!"
Liana stood up and started re-enacting the events that took place "Like this, "Hiyyaa! Haahh!" and the buildings were like "Paang! Booom! Boogsh!" And a HUGE explosion occurred! and then... he swang his scythe again, taking the lives of many innocent people!" Liana started jumping around while saying, "So SCARY!!" lots of times.
Alex, though feeling uneasy with his sister's dream, started laughing at his sister. "Haha! You're so cute when you act that way! Now, Lili, just don't let the nightmares bother you so much. Remember, if it does happen, big brother will always be here to protect you..."
Liana jokingly doubted her brother's words, "As if you can stand against a scythe THIS HUGE! What weapon do you have? You must have had a deathwish saying that..." Liana giggles.
Alex boastfully replied, "Hah! I don't need weapons to beat that guy! The power of Love and my Will to Protect you is all I need to get through a foe of his kind! Haha, now, walk to school already..! You might be late..!" Liana smiles cheerfully "Okay! Bye, big brother..." Liana left the house.
Alex kept on thinking and worrying about his sister's dream. "I doubt that was a normal dream... But.. I shouldn't tell Lili... I don't want her to be too scared when she finds out...”
Alex sighs, “Mom, What should I do..? How long am I supposed to keep the truth from her..?" Alex sat down on the couch and looked at his hand as he creates a small energy ball. "Will this power be enough to protect her..? tsk, I don't even know what to do anymore! Will you just come home already!?”
On the way to school, Liana was walking alone when Anise, her best friend, sneaked up, and suddenly jumped behind her, Liana got surprised by it and accidentally activated her powers and made a big pole fall down, Anise got freaked out by the pole falling, "Ahh! Ahh! What happened!?"
Liana didn’t know why it fell, but she felt as if some sort of energy came out from her just a few millisecond before the pole fell, she was very confused as well, "Umm... I-I don't know! Uhh.... Good Morning..?"
Anise breathed deeply and cheerfully said, “Good Morning..! Why do you look pale?" Liana looked at Anise with a nervous face, "Umm... Because I got surprised by you... then by the pole too!" Anise scratched her head, "Ohh... is that so..? I’m sorry! Now, Let's go!"
When they reached the school gates, they saw Rhea, a well-respected classmate that Liana looks up to, standing near the gates, talking to some students. Liana kept on looking at her closely, which made Anise felt uneasy.
Anise looked at her friend with slight irritation and then tapped her on the shoulder. "You're staring at her again!? How many times do I NEED to convince you that the only difference between you and her is that she's more famous than you...!? and that you're a heck lot shorter..."
"No that's not the only thing..! She smart, cool, brave, talented and... respected... and a lot more.." Liana suddenly felt insecure about herself. "Totally not like me..."
Anise pushed Liana, "Oh, shut up... you two are just the same... people just tend to misunderstand and mistreat you...Tsk! And What the heck is so cool about the girl!? I'm much cooler! Hmph!"
"Yes, sure, you're very cool.. but...How can you say I am similar to Rhea when everyone thinks she's awesome while everyone thinks I'm a loser..?" Liana looked down then went on ahead.
"What way huh..?" Anise caught up with Liana and she wrapped her arms around her, "Lili, you and Rhea have the same personality and characteristics but has a different way of expressing it! You're both smart, you're both kind, you both stay away from big crowds, you're both fun to talk to and many more!"
Anise let go of Liana and then went in front of her. "So let's say, for example, Rhea didn't want bad comments from others, so she act cool so that people would think cool things about her! You also didn't want bad comments, so you play safe and put up a push-over characteristic because you think it will prevent people from thinking ill of you, which is very wrong indeed! You have to act cool too!"
"How am I supposed to do that..? And Don't be too loud, people will hear us..." Some student suddenly looked at Liana and started giggling maliciously.
Liana suddenly started hearing the voices of students saying mean things about her, she felt pain in her head and felt weak and dizzy. She started breathing faster and faster, Anise looked at her and asked what's wrong, but Liana didn't seemed to have heard her. Anise got much more worried and started calling Liana's name over and over but she wouldn't budge.
Rhea noticed them from the distance, and walked towards them. Rhea touched Liana's shoulder, then Liana suddenly stopped hearing the ill thoughts. "Liana... Are you okay...?"
Liana was surprised on how she couldn't read any ill thought from Rhea, and was also surprised by the fact that she stopped hearing voices as soon as Rhea held her. She nods her head, saying that she's okay.
Then Anise suddenly hugged her friend from behind, "What happened to you!? You suddenly became blank and you wouldn't even respond to me... WHY!?” Anise’s voice sounded very worried.
"ah, I'm sorry.." Liana weakly said to her friend.
Rhea smiled at the two, "Hmm... well, I'll see you two in class... We're having party today for our successful performance last week on the dance festival, so don't be late..." Rhea waved at them and went on ahead.
"She's so...pure..." Liana got amazed by Rhea's aura, which just made Anise feel uneasy again, "Whatever! Let's just go to class...!" Anise started pulling Liana's hand.
Meanwhile, Rhea is alone in the comfort room. "Hmm... I have the feeling that her powers are gonna be awaken soon.... but, I also have the feeling that those dark forces are also gonna take action soon... So... Ms. Arietta, what should I do next..? Did the queen sent any messages like, enemies spotted here or there, eliminate them immediately! Or somethinglike, the town is surrounded by the dark phantoms, clean up the mess and secure the scion! You know, those kinds of orders other than babysitting..?"
Then Aria suddenly appeared behind Rhea. "You know, you tend to be impatient sometimes, it's really annoying...”
Rhea then scratched her head, “Well, I can’t help it! I’m still young and fresh, you know! I can do better than just watch, like what old people are doing...”
“Excuse me..?” Aria got the feeling that Rhea was trying to direct that statement to her.
“Uhh... No! That’s not what I meant!” Rhea faced Aria, “Ahahaha..... Just a misunderstanding...!”
Aria still looked with suspicion, “What do you mean, then..?”
As Rhea tries her best to look for the right words to say while panicking, Aria tried to put aside the topic, “Forget it... It’s not too important...”
Aria continues, “No messages for you so far, just continue what you're doing...”
“If the queen was right and the girl IS the Scion of Light, she’ll definitely awaken soon...” Aria said with doubt.
“You... Don’t you trust your queen’s words? So the girl does look weak, so what..? People improve. And like the queen, I have the feeling that the girl is also who we are looking for.” Rhea said while trying to convince Aria.
“And also, like the queen, you fail to see that the truth is not based on people’s instincts and few coincidences.” Aria said, disagreeing with Rhea.
“Hmph! What if we’re right?” Rhea said proudly, then immediately Aria replies, “What if you’re wrong? The whole world will suffer.”
“But isn’t it better to take action now than wait for further encounters that would prove us who the scion is? And if we are dealing with the wrong person with right now, surely Alristhea will make a way in the future. I think the queen made the right decision. After all, ‘the queen is always right’!” Rhea still said confidently.
“Hmm... I guess I always tend to forget to trust Alristhea...” Aria, seeing Rhea’s point, just kept quiet. “I'm leaving now, and I’m expecting to see you at the base later."
Rhea looked at Aria, and smiled cheerfully, “Alright, I'll be there!" Aria left and so did Rhea. Rhea went to the classroom.
Friday, May 28, 2010
My Story (Part 1)
Chapter 1 ~ The Awakening
(PART 1 –An Awful Vision)
As bolts of crimson lightning strikes on the surface, forces of darkness quickly approaches, lead by a man wearing a black cape, with half of his face covered by the shadow of his hood. He mercilessly kills all those people that comes in his way, and did not spare those people who knelt and pleaded mercy. He looked around him and he laughed maliciously, he turned around and looked at his forces,
"Now, my servants, tear this kingdom apart! Satisfy your hunger, devour this whole so-called prosperous world and turn it into a rotten wasteland!"
With this said, all the dark forces malevolently shouted for joy in their leader's remark and are started thrashing the kingdom as act of claiming it.
A voice of a young maiden resounds.
"Stop it! Stop destroying my kingdom!"
The Leader laughs maliciously and said, "What can you do about it, little girl..?" The maiden was surprised, as no one would have been able to see her nor hear her in her current state, but she carried on and say what she want to say.
"You... you must be Zai... I will not let you destroy my kingdom... My people and I, we're gonna stop you before you even take a step on this world... This I guarantee.. And as for your forces that has secretly resided in this world, I'll have my servants hunt all of them down... I will not let you get any upper hand..!"
The leader's name is Zai. It was said that he and his gathered forces devour worlds and take all the power and energy of those world and bestow it to themselves. With these powers, they became invincible, and the more they grow stronger, the more they hunger for more power, many worlds have tried to stop them, but none has ever succeeded. Zai boastfully laughed at the maiden's remark.
"Do you really think you, and your puny kingdom stands a slightest chance against me and my forces..!? *laugh* I don't think so..."
The maiden looked at Zai and said, "The prophesy itself states it, Zai... The scion of light that shines even brighter than the sun will rise up and bring light to the whole universe as she end the devourer's long-lived tyrrany... You will lose, Zai..."
Zai laughs louder, "How juvenile! That's what's wrong with you, rulers! You believe in scores or prophesies which are all fairytales! But I respect your guts, child, you really talk very smart and quite convincing for a young lady. If you're really that persistent, then show me what you and your puppies can do... *laugh* See you... in a not too distant future..." Zai laughs silently and walks away. The maiden looked at the kingdom again and then she closed her eyes...
Everything is dark, nothing can be seen..
".....maine......Sharmaine....Sharmaine..? Are you okay..? wake up.....Sharmaine..!"
The young maiden opened her eyes again, and found herself on the arms of a friend who is also an older relative as well. The maiden, Sharmaine looked around her for signs of mischiefs and found none of it yet. Sharmaine sighed and then looked at her friend, "Aria... Where was the place we kept on detecting strong light waves and when was the last time we felt one..?"
"uhh... hmm.. somewhere on the northwest part of the human kingdom, Terrestia... I'm not really sure about the exact location though, but we sent Rhea there less than a year ago, and I received reports that she already has idea who she is... Why did you suddenly asked? oh, but first, How are you feeling alright now?"
Aria looks at Sharmaine and is worried about her. Sharmaine said while trying to stand up, "I'm alright, but probably not for long.."
Aria looked at her with confusion, "What do you mean.?"
"I had an awful vision, and we must act now if we still want to have a better future ... He is coming... He and his forces are planning to destroy us, Aria..."
"Woah.... calm down, highness.. Who is this guy..?"
"The Devourer...He's planning to destroy us but as written in our score, there is a scion of light that can save us all, and that's definitely the girl we're watching. We have to awaken her powers and train her, immediately! Send few soldiers to patrol the area of her location... I'm putting you in charge of this mission, bring whoever angel you feel comfortable with, I'm sure some of the devourer's servants will try to stop you, and I know that they are probably hunting down the girl as well... Protect her, Aria...And as for Rhea, give her my regards when you see her..."
"Yes, your majesty, your wish is my command... We're gonna depart later today... But your majesty, if I may ask, What made you so sure that this girl is the scion..? So far we have only coincidence that proves this, don’t we...” Aria questioned the queen.
“Coincidence..? I don’t believe in coincidence... Everything happen for a reason... Even though we only have few weak proofs concerning this matter, my instincts are telling me to believe it.”
“Instincts, huh..? Well, don't be too worried then, we'll take care of the girl...And we'll find your sister and her student too. You shouldn’t stress yourself too much, it’s bad for your health..."
Sharmaine looked at Aria and smiled. "Thank you, big sister..." Aria left the room, and Sharmaine went to her balcony where the whole human kingdom is seen from it.
"Zai... I won't let you take even a tiny step on my kingdom..."
Though the fates of the two kingdoms are probably the most important matter at that time, Sharmaine still worries about other matters such as the sudden disappearance of her sister and her sister's student.
"Cara, if only you were here, then I would have been less worried... Where are you..?"
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Happy Birthday Kaori!! ^ ^

Happy Birthday, Oda Kaori...! I wish you another year of great success and great experiences! Thank you for inspiring me with your beautiful and amazing, your gorgeous If I must be honest, you're the one who pulled me into Kajiura-sama's music world... Your Yume no Tsubasa, or rather Tsubasa, was my first favorite, and is still one of my favorites even after almost 6 years have already passed... I never get tired of it, and the live versions made me love the song more... I love Hanamori no Oka and Michiyuki too! and many songs you are involved with (of course, since I AM a fan of Kajiura-sama's music.. xD)... Though chances of you seeing this post is vain, or rather frail (I think this is a better word for it), I'd still want to put my thoughts and appreciations for you... Happy Birthday once again, continue living and loving life... May you serve as an inspiration and role-model to those who keeps on pursuing his dreams of what they want to be..<-(I hope I made that clear enough... haha, I lack vocabulary, I can't choose the most exact words for those... sorry..) I wish you all the best in life..! More birthdays to come! (=^-^=);
From a 14 year old fan of yours,
P.S.: I made that picture especially for you! *blush* As a token of appreciation... *blush more* (>///<)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
~Next post will be the plot of my collab story with Hoshi!.. Wait for it! I might not be able to post it within the day because I have somewhere to go to.. lol, and I found another member of the collab who is quite interrested with the plot... That's Tsubasa... I hope this story will be entertaining for all of you out there... We're gonna brainstorm it.. Mwahahaha! Now I must take my leave, Byebye!